BCCI Chairman, Sourav Ganguly, said that the schedule for the 13th season of IPL is expected to be announced on September 4. With only 15 days left for the start of the IPL season, the schedule is not yet released. The recent case of COVID-19 where 13 members of Chennai Super Kings found to be positive which is the possible reason behind the delay in the schedule.
All the matches of #IPL20 are scheduled in the three cities of UAE- Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Sharjah. The first match of #IPL is likely to be held between the last year’s champion, #MumbaiIndians, and #ChennaiSuperKings on September 19.
BCCI Treasurer, Arun Dhumal, said that all the matches will be played according to the fixed schedule. The tournament will take place from September 19 to November 10 and this is the first time that the final will be played in the weekday instead of the weekend.
Board has provided Bluetooth badges to the officials for contact tracing so that they can keep an eye if the virus gets spread. Family members of players are also requested to wear this badge. Also, an app has been developed where all players are required to input their temperature details every day.